Case Studies

99 Cents Only Stores and CoolSys Use Keystone to Save Energy, Beat Deadlines

The goal: Retrofit the stores’ existing fluorescent lighting with energy-efficient LED lighting. The store was seeking an environmentally responsible solution to reduce energy and maintenance expenditures in 248 of its stores, a project it named “Project Bright.”

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Swire Coca-Cola saves money and time with Keystone Technologies

Rob Zimmer, project engineer for the Swire Coca-Cola bottling plant in Denver, CO, was motivated to find ways to reduce both energy consumption and the carbon footprint of the Denver plant. Zimmer originally focused only on the production facility, but then broadened the scope of the project.

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Rizzo Hockey Rink Chooses Keystone for LED Lighting Upgrade

Rizzo Rink in Philadelphia serves as a place where children can learn how to play ice hockey as well as learn life skills of competition, achievement, and teamwork. Keystone was brought in to look at the lighting, which had to be changed constantly and provided poor playing conditions.

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