A Guide to Phasing Out Fluorescent and HID Lamps

In recent years, as part of an effort to regulate mercury-containing consumer products, state governments within the United States have begun passing legislation prohibiting the sale and distribution of linear fluorescent lamps, compact fluorescent lamps, and mercury vapor high-intensity discharge (HID) lamps. The following table shows when the sale or distribution of various mercury-containing lighting products will be banned by the states that have passed legislation. Other states have similar legislation in the works.


A Guide to Phasing Out Fluorescent and HID Lamps Chart

Mercury in Fluorescent and HID Lighting

The modern fluorescent lamp dates back more than 90 years, and today’s versions—like earlier products—use mercury vapor to produce luminescence. Keystone Technologies has been involved in lighting component production since 1945, when we started as a ballast manufacturer. We continue to produce fluorescent ballasts and linear fluorescent lamps today.

Like fluorescent lamps, HID lamps—which date back to the early 20th century—pass an electric current through mercury vapor, emitting UV light. While they are energy-efficient and provide bright illumination, they pose dangers due to the release of hazardous mercury if broken, and the emission of harmful UV radiation if the protective outer envelope is damaged or missing.

Transitioning to LED

LED lamps do not contain mercury. Keystone started mass-producing LED drivers in 2007 and introduced LED tubes in 2012. Since then, we have become a leader in LED lighting, with a product line that includes a full portfolio of lamps and power supplies, including all common Linear, HID, and CFL LED replacement lamps, and sign tubes. For suggested replacements, contact your Keystone representative to identify the best products for your needs.

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Tags: Lamps